Complete Set: Archangel Metatron’s Frequency
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Safely takes you to states of profound meditation, known as those elusive states of higher consciousness and enlightenment…
Create and stimulate new neural pathways between the left and right hemispheres of your brain, balancing your brain and leading you to a high-performance state of consciousness.
Dramatically improve your intuition, learning ability, memory, creativity, and your ability to focus…
Create quantum leaps in your higher-self awareness and spiritual empowerment…
Significantly lower your levels of stress and lower your levels of harmful brain chemicals related to stress…
Dramatically increase your production of essential and pleasurable brain chemicals related to your longevity, well-being, and quality of life…
Experience a chakra clearing and opening that is more powerful than anything you have ever felt before… this includes all the new chakras!!
Feel your body releasing old physical, emotional, mental, spiritual blockages and negative energies that you thought you had cleared years ago. Tear down the remaining veils of illusion… create a more intimate contact with the Spiritual Hierarchy, your guides, angels and higher self!
Fully ignite the Divine Light within yourself and be harmonically aligned with the earth shaking, and sometimes bone jarring, new vibrations flooding Mother Earth and our consciousness.
The power of Archangel Metatron Frequency Healing & Ascension CD System is validated by decades of scientific research and proven results for many thousands of users world wide.
** For a limited time only! Order NOW and you’ll receive the complete Archangel Metatron Frequency Healing & Ascension CD System including THE M-Power Me CD ($24.95 value) absolutely FREE. Your order comes with Archangel Metatron’s channeled insights, instructions, suggested uses for each healing and ascension CD.
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